L.A.D.T. (League for Defending Youth's Rights) is a nonpolitic, nonprofit, nongovernamental youth organisation, based on the voluntary criteria.
The aims of our organisation offer to the youths the opportunity to participate for the development of the Romanian civil society.We also fight against racism, intolerance, xenophobia, and any abuse made by the autorithies.We develop echological projects, cultural projects,educative projects, anti-racist projects, international youth exchange, European integration projects.Our permanent institutions which finance our projects are the European Union project "Youth for Europe" and the Romanian Youth Ministery , and our permanent european partners are Naunyn Ritze and Regenbogenfabrik - Berlin.
Some of our projects developed in the period 1996-1999 are:
- Civic Education Seminary - May 1996 ,
- Science Fiction Film festival - February 1997,
- The Youth and the Human Rights Convention (first edition) - March 1997,
- Summer School - Management of the Human Resources - August 1997,
- Profesional Consulting - August 1997,
- Leadership Course - August 1997,
- The Youth and the Human Rights (second edition) - December 1997,
- Training of Trainers for NGO - March 1998,
- Youth and Massmedia - June 1998,
- Leadership Course - November 1998,
- Multinational Antiracist Performance Project - December 1998,
- Civic Parntership for Youth -March 1999,
- Training of Trainers for NGO (second edition) - April 1999,
- Leadership Course - May - June 1999,
- Preserving the National Values in the European Environment(NVE) - August 1999, Quo Vadis - November 1999.
European value - Voluntariate - How it can be introduced into an educational setting" - September 2001,
- Tineretul si societatea civila-realitate si perspective in mileniul III - March 2001
- voluntariatul intre principii limite si forme de manifestare -Iunie 2001
scoala de vara-managementul voluntarului- Iulie 2001
managementul voluntarului - August 2001
Valoarea Europeana - volutnariat - cum poate fi introdusa intr-un cadru educational - Octombrie - Noembrie 2001
better all together - Noembrie 2001
- "Holding On" - Nu te da batut niciodata - Iulie 2002